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Máy đo nhiệt độ hồng ngoại (-20 to 420°C) Model SK-8700 SATO – Loại phổ biến nhất - the best selling

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+Máy đo nhiệt độ hồng ngoại (-20 to 420°C) Model SK-8700 SATO – Loại phổ biến nhất Cat.No.8260-00
Hãng sản xuất: Sato – Nhật
Model SK-8700 is the best selling handy type infrared thermometer with the measuring range of -20 to 420°C.
The laser marker helps you to aim the target at measurement.
All objects emit infrared energy. The hotter an object is, the more active its molecules are, and the more infrared energy it emits. An infrared thermometer houses optics that collect the radiant infrared energy from the object and focuses it onto a detector. The detector converts the energy into an electrical signal, which is amplified and displayed.
Use SK-8700 with fixed emissivity (0.95) to measure surface temperature of many materials such as asphalt, most ceramics, and highly oxidized metals. The feature of laser sighting helps you to increase your aiming accuracy.

Model SK-8700
Measuring range -20°C to 420°C (0 to 786°F)

± 2°C at -20°C to 100°C
± 2% Reading at other range
(conditions) Ambient temperature at 23°C ± 5°C
calibrated by black body emissivity at 0.95
Resolution 1°C / 1°F
Repeatability ±1°C / ± 1°F
Emissivity (*1) Fixed at 0.95
Distance to spot ratio
8 : 1
Sensor Thermopile
Spectral response (*3) 6 to 14μm
Response time 0.5 second
Laser sighting 1 point, Class II Laser (use less than 1mW of power)
Operating ambient 0 to 50°C for temperature
less than 80% for R. humidity (no condensing)
Storage ambient -20 to 55°C for temperature
less than 90% for R. humidity (no condensing)
Power requirement 9V battery x 1 (included)
Power consumption Max. 40mA (when Laser and Backlight ON)
Battery Life approx. 5 hours (Laser & Backlight ON)
approx. 10 hours (Laser ON & Backlight OFF)
approx. 12 hours (Laser OFF & Backlight ON)
approx. 50 hours (Laser & Backlight OFF)
Functions °C/°F selectable
Backlight ON/OFF
Laser marker ON/OFF
Auto power off
Dimensions (W) 41.5 x (D) 65 x (H) 160 mm
Weight approx. 140 g (with battery)

Muốn biết thêm chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ:

Nguyễn Văn Mười – Phòng kinh doanh

Hot line : 090 858 0034 


Thiết bị - Hóa chất – Thủy tinh phòng thí nghiệm

Địa chỉ: 97/15 Hồng Lạc, Phường 10, Quận Tân Bình, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh


Website: www.thietbithinghiemvn.com

Số ký tự được gõ là 250

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