Đang truy cập : 20
Hôm nay : 935
Tháng hiện tại : 23203
Tổng lượt truy cập : 5074037
Model | NSII-HQ |
Clock | Quartz type "C" size battery x 2 Battery life: about 1 year in continuous use |
Drum rotation | 1 day, 7 day and 32 day changed by speed switch |
Sensor | Human hair bundle |
Measuring range | 0 to 100% |
Accuracy | ±3% at 15 to 25°C, 20 to 95% ±5% other than above |
Chart graduation | 1% |
Recording pen | Cartridge pen (violet) |
Dimensions | (W)336 x (H)295 x (D)148 mm |
Weight | approx. 2.9 kg |
Accessories | 7 day chart for 1 year use (55 sheets/pad), chart holder, "C" size battery x 2 |