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Máy tự ghi nhiệt độ Datalogger Model SK-L200TIID - SATO

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Máy tự ghi nhiệt độ Datalogger Model SK-L200TIID

Model SK-L200TIID
Hãng sản xuất: Sato – Nhật

Model SK-L200THII α D
(temperature and humidity measurement type)
(temperature measurement type)
Display range -15 to 65.0°C
(depending on a probe connected)
-45 to 205.0°C
(depending on a probe connected)
10 to 99.9% rh -----
Resolution(Temp.) 0.1°C at -9.9 to 65.0°C
1°C at -10°C or less
0.1°C at -9.9 to 205.0°C
1°C at -10°C or less
Resolution(Hum.) 0.1% rh at 15.0 to 99.9% rh
1%rh at less than 15.0%
Accuracy (Temp) ±(0.1°C + 1 digit) ±(0.1°C + 1 digit)
Accuracy (Hum.) ±(0.1% rh + 1 digit) -----
Probes connected SK-LTHII α series probes SK-LTII series probes
Sampling (display) about 1 sec. about 1 sec.
Display functions TIME (display time), INT (log interval) REC (during logging), RES (during preset standby), OUT (during real-time transmission), LCD bars (used memory)
CALL (call for the current measurement data during logging)
Current temperature, Current humidity, Current date and time, low battery symbol, Temp. upper limit (Hi), Temp. lower limit (Lo), Hum. upper limit (Hi), Hum. lower limit (Lo), Temp. alarm ON (Alarm), Hum. alarm ON (Alarm), logging option, setting value of upper and lower limits, error message, ID number
Memory capacity 8100 lines of data, but depending on the logging option
(four logging potions: Once, Repeatability, Ends at, By page)
Log interval 1 sec., 2 sec., 5 sec., 10 sec., 15 sec., 30 sec.
1 min., 2 min.,5 mi.,10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 60 min., 90 min.
Communication USB
Operation ambient -10 to 60°C, no condensing
Storage ambient 0 to 50°C
Power requirement "AAA" size Alkaline battery x 2 or AC adapter (option)
Battery life . Under continuous measurement mode : more than 500 hours
. Under logging mode: possible to log 8100 data with every log interval
(ex.: about 506 days with log interval of 90 minutes.)
Dimensions (W) 100 x (H) 73 x (D) 22 mm
Weighs about 123 g (exclusive of batteries)
Materials ABS resin
Accessories CD-Rom (Data analysis and realtime software), USB cable (1.5 m) , USB port cap (factory set), hand strap, "AAA" battery x 2

Muốn biết thêm chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ:

Nguyễn Văn Mười – Phòng kinh doanh

Hot line : 090 858 0034 


Thiết bị - Hóa chất – Thủy tinh phòng thí nghiệm

Địa chỉ: 97/15 Hồng Lạc, Phường 10, Quận Tân Bình, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh


Website: www.thietbithinghiemvn.com

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